Strengths Code: upgrade code


A digital code to unlock your full strengths profile. An upgrade from top 5 to full 34


If you’ve already taken your Top 5 you can choose to unlock the rest of your profile for a deeper and more insightful profile. There’s no need to take the assessment again. Take your code, login to your account, and pop in the upgrade code.

Unlocking your full profile gives you access to:

  • eBook on CliftonStrengths
  • Insights, signature themes, and personalized reports
  • Gallup Access online coaching modules
  • Katalytik personalized insights summary report
  • Katalytik Facebook group
  • Ongoing tips and support through Momentum newsletter
  • Monthly free, Strengths Jam sessions

NOTE: Please allow between 1 and 24 hours for us to send you your code.

You can also purchase your code directly on the Gallup Access website, Click here. Katalytik offers additional benefits.