Exploring the blindspots of CliftonStrength Achiever

Man in white tee-shirt in front of a laptop with his head in his hands.

The Dynamics of Achiever® 


Achiever® stands tall among the executing themes as a force of determination and accomplishment. It is the powerhouse of getting things DONE.  As we know each and every Talent theme has its BLINDSPOTS, and Achiever® is no different. As your mastery of  your CliftonStrengths grows, your understanding of the dynamics of your Achiever® and how partnering with other strengths can mitigate these potential blindspots can lead you to the Jedi or bright side. In this blog, we delve into Achiever®, examining some of its dynamics, identifying blindspots, and providing (some) strategic suggestions for complementary partnerships.


Understanding the Achiever® Dynamics 

Achiever® is characterized by an unyielding drive to set and meet goals. To get things done. Individuals high in Achiever® thrive on the satisfaction of completing tasks and constantly seek new, often ever tougher, challenges. This, though a valuable asset, can lead to blindspots when taken to extremes and left unchecked. 

How can Achiever® lead you astray and head over to the Dark Side? 


Relentless Pursuit without Reflection

  • Example: An individual with high Achiever® might find themselves continuously pursuing goals without taking a moment to reflect on their accomplishments. The constant push for achievement can lead to a lack of appreciation for what has been done. 
  • Suggestion: Pair with individuals strong in “Reflective” strengths like Intellection® or Deliberative® to introduce a balance between action and thoughtful introspection. 
  • Suggestion: Take time to step back and celebrate progress, if not for your sake, then for others’. 

Risk of Burnout 

  • Example: Achiever® individuals may be prone to burnout, driven by their unrelenting commitment to productivity. The absence of breaks and self-care can jeopardize long-term well-being. 
  • Suggestion: Collaborate with strengths such as “Harmony” or “Restorative” to emphasize the importance of balance, stress management, and overall well-being. And schedule in an activity or challenge to help you decompress. 

Potential Tunnel Vision 

  • Example: The intense focus on goals may result in tunnel vision, causing people driven by Achiever® to overlook alternative approaches or creative solutions. 
  • Suggestion: Engage with individuals strong in Strategic®, Ideation®, Connectedness® or Futuristic® strengths to broaden your perspectives, encouraging innovative thinking and long-term planning beyond immediate achievements. 

Comparison and Perfectionism 

  • Example: Achievers may be prone to perfectionism, comparing themselves to others and setting unrealistically high standards. 
  • Suggestion: Partner with individuals possessing strengths like Positivity®, Adaptability ®or Individualization® to foster a positive self-image, celebrate uniqueness, and provide support in overcoming the pitfalls of perfectionism. 

Difficulty Delegating 

  • Example: Your high Achiever® might mean you struggle to delegate tasks, feeling compelled to handle everything yourself, so you know it will get done, to the high standard you expect. 
  • Suggestion: Collaborate with people who have strengths such as Command® or Woo® (the orange, influencing ones) to help engage and empower people to take ownership of tasks. Or look to the blue, Relationship Themes, to foster teamwork – importantly working to prevent your own burnout! 


Building Synergy with Other CliftonStrengths 

To maximize the benefits of Achiever® and prevent burnout, a partnership with a complementary strength can help, you may indeed possess both of these in your top 5 or 10 CliftonStrengths profil!e: 

Achiever® + Strategic® 

Leverage the thinking power of others with the Strategic® strength to enhance your planning and ensure that goals align with a broader vision. 

Achiever® + Positivity® 

  • Combining Achiever® with the energy of people strong in the Positivity® strength makes it easier to celebrate achievements, maintain enthusiasm, and counterbalance the pressure of constant goal-setting. 

Achiever® + Harmony® 

  • Partnering with those strong in Harmony® helps promote work-life balance, prevent burnout, and emphasizes the importance of well-being alongside achieving goals. 

Achiever® + Relator® 

  • Collaborate with those possessing the Relator® strength to build meaningful connections and relationships, ensuring that the pursuit of goals does not overshadow the importance of human connections. 

Achiever® + Intellection® 

  • By combining Achiever® with Intellection® you enhance your problem-solving capabilities through thoughtful analysis. Be careful though, that if it’s your Intellection® that its lack of focus on doing things doesn’t cause internal conflict and frustrate your Achiever®! 

Achiever can also work with any of the other CliftonStrengths. And others would love to work with you, make sure to appreciate their effort in keeping up with you though. !  



Understanding the dynamics and blindspots of Achiever® is pivotal for a balanced and sustainable approach to success, for yourself, your peers, and your loved ones (simply so your drive doesn’t exhaust them!). Keeping your Achiever® balanced and ‘under control’ can help prevent burnout. Look at is as staying on the Jedi – (not the dark side) – side.  

Above all, knowing that all of your CliftonStrengths have a dynamic interplay, and being aware of their blindspots, gives you a greater chance of success, and life-balance.  Strategically partnering your Achiever® through fostering collaboration and a strengths-based mindset, you can navigate challenges, celebrate successes, and build a strong foundation for personal and professional growth. 



The CliftonStrengths talent themes are registered marks of the Gallup Corporation. The interpretations within this article are solely the opinions and interpretations of the author Dr Jan Peters. 

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Creating Confidence and Credibility as a Future Leader Starts Now

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Leadership is not a position; it’s a mindset. Anyone can be a leader, regardless of their job title or seniority level. However, being an effective leader requires more than just the willingness to lead. It demands a combination of skills, traits, and behaviours that inspire, motivate, and guide others towards a common goal.

If you aspire to become a leader, it’s essential to start building your leadership skills today. The earlier you start, the better equipped you’ll be to take on leadership roles in the future. In this webinar, we’ll explore some critical insights into what makes a good leader, what we mean by an inclusive leader, and how a strengths-based approach can provide a solid foundation for your leadership journey.

What Makes a Good Leader?

Leadership is a multifaceted concept that can mean different things to different people. However, most people agree that a good leader possesses some essential traits that distinguish them from the rest. Here are some of the key traits that make a good leader.


A good leader has a clear vision of where they want to go and how to get there. They can communicate their vision to others and inspire them to follow. How does your vision form, and in what time frame?


A good leader understands the needs and feelings of others and can put themselves in their shoes. They are compassionate, caring, and respectful towards others.


A good leader can make tough decisions quickly and confidently. They analyse the situation, consider the options, and choose the best course of action. What forms the basis of your decisionmaking? DO you analyse all teh risks before ou commit, gatherin gas much data as possible? or do you perhpas talk and explore with others? 


A good leader can communicate effectively with others. They listen actively, speak clearly, and convey their ideas with confidence and clarity. HOw much do you talk, compared ot how much you listen? And what techniques do you employ to help you listen more deeply?


A good leader is honest, reliable, and dependable. They keep their promises, act with integrity, and earn the trust of others. Some people trust easily and implicitily, while others build trust mroe slowly. Do you differentiate and appreicate how others come to trust?

What is an Inclusive Leader?

Inclusive leadership is the ability to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of their background. Inclusive leaders understand that diversity is a strength and can leverage it to foster innovation, creativity, and high performance.

Inclusive leaders recognize the importance of listening to diverse perspectives and involving everyone in decision-making. They encourage open communication, feedback, and constructive criticism. They also promote a culture of respect, fairness, and equity. The space created by inclusive leaders is a space in which people feel safe to be themselves.

While some people have an instinctive way of feeling others’ pain or joy, some don’t. Recgonising  your empathetic tendencies helps develop an appreciation of  the unique challenges and experiences of minority or marginalised groups. And as a leader you can cretae opportunities for people in these groups to grow and develop.

How Does a Strengths-Based Approach Provide a Solid Foundation?

A strengths-based approach to leadership focuses on building on individuals’ strengths and talents to foster personal and professional growth. Instead of fixing weaknesses, this approach emphasizes identifying and leveraging strengths to maximize potential.

By identifying your unique strengths and talents, you can develop a sense of confidence and self-awareness that can help you navigate the challenges of leadership. You can also use your strengths to build strong relationships, inspire others, and achieve your goals.
Moreover, a strengths-based approach can help you develop a growth mindset that encourages continuous learning and improvement. You can identify areas where you need to develop new skills or knowledge and seek opportunities to learn and grow. And above all, it shines a light on your blindspots and a sensitivty to how others might perceive you and your intentions.

Becoming a leader requires more than just ambition: it demands a willingness to learn, grow, and develop. By understanding what makes a good leader, what we mean by an inclusive leader, and how a strengths-based approach can provide a solid foundation, you can start building your leadership skills today.

Remember that leadership is not a destination; it’s a journey. It’s an ongoing process of self-discovery, learning, and growth. With dedication, commitment, and a willingness to learn, you can become an effective and inclusive leader who inspires. Be open, listen and appreicate how others can be useful in their unique way.

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